Roadtrippin’ East Quebec Craft Brews

At first, the plan was simple. Very. I was to go to Quebec city a few days with my roomie and our mutual friend visiting from Germany, and then head up north and show my tourists the beautiful region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, you know, where people speak funny (ok not so much). But…Roger was in town….

Halifax, or the journey home

26 Hours. That’s how long I waited in Frankfurt for my flight to be arranged. Because all you can wish for after the stupidest of check-ins and waiting in line for hours, is to be told, seconds before you board your plane, that the flight’s cancelled. Fun times Sweet, I’ll get to chill in Frankfurt…

Traditions (Saint-Patrick’s Day)

Travel. . . Routine. Two words that don’t work very well together. I am not a big fan of routine, or traditions. I do have very few. But I do, however, hold one very dear. Saint-Patricks Day in Montréal. The first year in some that I am not there. –     –    …

Shits and Giggles

Is there nothing like an evening in a city you call home. Feeling like you cannot fathom that surge of travel desire, or desire to meet new interesting people. It’s always amazing to just enter a hostel following a friends invitation. To be greeted by a microbiology PhD lad from Saskatchewan, that’s actually Irish, cooking…

Vancouver and the meaning of life

It is most curious to have your life instant realisations incthe most odd places. I had one for instance while in the freezing waters of a small mountain lake in Canmore, surrounded by the glory of the Canadian Rockies, their reflection in the crystaline waters of the glorified pond I was basking in with two…

Hitch hiking

Ok, so here it is, the morning where Markus heads back to Calgary to restock and prepare for Alaska. We shake hands, wish each other farewell and off we go. On the road, looking for a ride towards Nelson, BC. Quickly picked up by a nameless couple from BC that drops us a few 10…

Canmore & Banff, Canada

We traveled from Calgary to Banff with a nice young German adventuress named Alexandra. Alexandra introduced us to  the concept of freezing our arses in really cold lakes (she said it as a joke, I said something around the lines of F@!K YEAH! – young and dumb) It was awesome (but cold); She introduced us…

A little bird told me

A little bird told me that my blog being bilingual, while being cool, was not efficient at all online as it discourages both french and english readers from visiting often. He said english is easier, simpler, more popular and that I can keep blogging in french stuff that pertained to something else than the main…

The people you meet

Travel is all about the people you meet and the places you see. I started the trip to BC from Montreal with my friend Anny, a nurse, art undergrad, painter and accomplished artist that needed a breath of fresh air. Good friends since college. I took my trip to Banff with someone met at random,…

Sur la route de Banff

Les plus beaux paysages que je puis imaginer mon pays m’offrir. The beautifull rockies. It seems like I have been missing out all this time ! L’effet est puissant et immédiat. Un bel instant, en belle compagnie encadré d’un superbe paysage Rien de mieux que de se baigner au pied d’une montagne dans un lac…


While most will consider Walmart like a great store, some will also regard it in a very negative way, I am usually of the later. However in the spirit of being broke and needing a place to catch a snooze, Walmart really is the best. Did you know that most Walmarts will let you sleep…

Transcanadian highway shots

  Nearly getting killed for a dumb band picture is what makes 40% of the awesome of that picture. 59% to the fact the the timer was set to 30s instead of 6 on a transcanadian highway. 1% to Anny holding the pose AND the cigarette


Parcourir plus de 1000 kilomètres la même journée, 3 provinces, 2 fuseaux horaires. Stopper de manière brève à 100 kilomètres du bût, dans une ville fantôme. S’y faire saluer par une autrichienne qui nous y offre choucroute, emplois, gîte et bière. Devoir refuser car le WiFi sans protection, au milieu de nul part nous indique…

La meilleure nuit

Près de 1000 kilomètres plus tard, en une journée, la visibilité inexsitante, mouches partout et aucun endroit à proximité pour dormir.  L’on croise un parc national. L’occasion est parfaite, impossible de passer à coté de cette opportunité si belle qu’il faut la saisir immédiatement. Celle de dormir, dans les douches publiques d’un parc national. Avec…

La Traversée

Arrivés a sudbury ce matin, l’aventure dans l’âme, les mouches noires dins bras. Vivre dans une mini fourgonette et camper le long de la route. C’est le camping, revisité !   On est quand même en mesure d’apprécier les paysages et de prendre quelques secondes pour faire du café-campeur qui goutte la merde ou prendre…