Couchsurfing (CS 1/2)

Have you ever heard of couchsurfing ? Really ? Well couchsurfing is something you should know about if you happen to be on my blog. It’s this little amazing thing that let’s you meet people from all walks of life, all around the world in a generosity based community. The idea is to share. Share…

Paris & Wanderlust, France

Got up in the cold damp darkness of 5 am Meaux, a small township very close to Paris. Dressed up quickly, packed what was left to pack in a flash and left just as fast, a quick hug to Blandine, my host, and on the way to the airport, I was. Berlin was waiting. Marching…

Le Vaucluse, France

It is a very pretty region in the close vicinity of Marseille with a lot of local tourism but few internationals. Not much to say as it’s pretty straightforward but underground water sources, beautiful lakes, cave, grottos and red hills are part of the visit. Gorgeous mountain side cities and old castles on top of…

La Provence, France

While it was established my blog would be in Inglès for you 14 random people from the internet who follow it, I will reserve the right to title my posts to my liking, and really, I have no idea what “Provence” could be translated to. So it will stay titled in French. In Marseille the…